Download our operational framework
Steering Committee
Our Partnership is governed by a Steering Committee that provides strategic direction and serves as a forum for partners to interact, develop strategy and implement projects. The Steering Committee is the advisory body for the Partnership. The Steering Committee is consistent in composition with the National Fish Habitat Board and is comprised of representatives of local, state, and federal governments, academia/conservation, Native Alaskans and other organizations interested in fish habitat conservation. Additional organizations may be selected from the partnership to serve on the Steering Committee.
Science and Technical Committee
The Steering Committee is supported by a Science and Technical Committee made up of biologists, hydrologists, ecologists, and resource managers from partner organizations that are familiar with the region and ongoing research and monitoring programs. The Science and Technical Committee was initially formed to provide a science-based foundation for the development of the Strategic Conservation Action Plan. This working group continues to meet on an as-needed basis to review the plan and to implement science goals and strategies in the plan. This committee reviews and ranks proposals for partnership funding and make recommendations to the steering committee.
The partnership also has a coordinator who oversees the efforts of the partnership and is responsible for disseminating information, coordinating meetings, coordinating and facilitating overall implementation of actions and projects of the Partnership, outreach activities, and pursuing funding and grant opportunities that carryout the Strategic Conservation Action Plan. The current coordinator is Tim Troll, Executive Director of the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust.